Menopause Management

Women in their 40s, 50s and beyond, are often experiencing a unique set of challenges, both physical and psychological, so we offer a bespoke consultation and management service that prioritises you, your health and wellbeing, and how you wish to manage any concerns or symptoms you’re experiencing.

Menopause Management

Women in their 40s, 50s and beyond, are often experiencing a unique set of challenges, both physical and psychological, so we offer a bespoke consultation and management service that prioritises you, your health and wellbeing, and how you wish to manage any concerns or symptoms you’re experiencing.

As you approach menopausal age, there are often other challenges you may be experiencing, separate to any fluctuations in your hormone levels. Children may be leaving home, parents may be ailing, you and your friends may be going through significant health issues or life events and your career may be at a highly pressurised stage.

Our focus is always on your experience and as part of your health assessment, we will take time to establish any external factors that are impacting on your stress levels which can have a profound impact on your health and sense of wellbeing.

We do not believe in ordering unnecessary tests or examinations and often blood tests for hormone levels are not a strong indication of your menopausal status. If you’re currently peri-menopausal, then your hormone profile may look normal. So, we are always guided first and foremost by the symptoms you’re experiencing and your general health and wellbeing, although we may look at vitamin D and thyroid levels to rule out any other underlying causes for your dis-ease.

Once we have established your symptoms and found ways to manage them, either with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or non-hormonal treatments, then we will constantly evaluate your response to treatment.  This means we will meet a few times in the first six months and annually thereafter, once your treatment plan has been stabilised.  Of course, our service is patient needs led, so the package of care you receive will be adjusted according to your needs, not an arbitrary formula.

Get in touch for fast and convenient access to our friendly and professional service.

Get in touch for fast and convenient access to our friendly and professional service.

As you approach menopausal age, there are often other challenges you may be experiencing, separate to any fluctuations in your hormone levels. Children may be leaving home, parents may be ailing, you and your friends may be going through significant health issues or life events and your career may be at a highly pressurised stage.

Our focus is always on your experience and as part of your health assessment, we will take time to establish any external factors that are impacting on your stress levels which can have a profound impact on your health and sense of wellbeing.

We do not believe in ordering unnecessary tests or examinations and often blood tests for hormone levels are not a strong indication of your menopausal status. If you’re currently peri-menopausal, then your hormone profile may look normal. So, we are always guided first and foremost by the symptoms you’re experiencing and your general health and wellbeing, although we may look at vitamin D and thyroid levels to rule out any other underlying causes for your dis-ease.

Once we have established your symptoms and found ways to manage them, either with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or non-hormonal treatments, then we will constantly evaluate your response to treatment.  This means we will meet a few times in the first six months and annually thereafter, once your treatment plan has been stabilised.  Of course, our service is patient needs led, so the package of care you receive will be adjusted according to your needs, not an arbitrary formula.

Frequently asked questions

There has been a lot of confusion and noise surrounding HRT and whether it causes breast cancer.  In 2002, there were two large studies which had been commissioned to study impact of HRT on the future health of the women using it; these studies were both stopped early as initial figures suggested there were significantly more instances of breast cancer in the HRT taking group.

However, it has become clear that the data from these two studies were then over-extrapolated for populations it didn’t really fit for, as the women in the studies were on average 65 plus and had been using HRT for in excess of 10 years.  This is not how we use HRT and risk profile for breast cancer is different in the younger population.  but the risks are not the same for younger women.

Using progesterone and oestrogen (combined preparation HRT) causes an increase in risk of developing breast cancer, at approximately 1 per 1000 women.  However, the UK background rate of breast cancer is 1 in 8 and even higher if you have a family history of breast cancer.   Using oestrogen only HRT, only possible if you have no longer got a womb, is actually protective against breast cancer, so we see less disease in this group.

We advise women with a family history of breast cancer or who are known to have dense breasts to have an annual mammogram if they are on HRT. If there is no history of cancer in the family or density of the breasts, then the NHS mammogram every three years should be sufficient.  If concern remains high, Dr Tickle can organise a private scan at 18 months through our clinic as an interim investigation.

The risk in terms of breast cancer is therefore relatively neutral but the benefits in terms of bone loss are massive.

The main treatment for oestrogen deficiency symptoms is Hormone Replacement Therapy as it is effective at alleviating these issues.

However, we always take a holistic approach to medicine and many lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on menopausal symptoms.  We have a network of highly effective therapists, exercise coaches and dieticians that we can refer patients to, but any concerns you may be experiencing can be discussed during your consultation with Dr Tickle.

Frequently asked questions

There has been a lot of confusion and noise surrounding HRT and whether it causes breast cancer.  In 2002, there were two large studies which had been commissioned to study impact of HRT on the future health of the women using it; these studies were both stopped early as initial figures suggested there were significantly more instances of breast cancer in the HRT taking group.

However, it has become clear that the data from these two studies were then over-extrapolated for populations it didn’t really fit for, as the women in the studies were on average 65 plus and had been using HRT for in excess of 10 years.  This is not how we use HRT and risk profile for breast cancer is different in the younger population.  but the risks are not the same for younger women.

Using progesterone and oestrogen (combined preparation HRT) causes an increase in risk of developing breast cancer, at approximately 1 per 1000 women.  However, the UK background rate of breast cancer is 1 in 8 and even higher if you have a family history of breast cancer.   Using oestrogen only HRT, only possible if you have no longer got a womb, is actually protective against breast cancer, so we see less disease in this group.

We advise women with a family history of breast cancer or who are known to have dense breasts to have an annual mammogram if they are on HRT. If there is no history of cancer in the family or density of the breasts, then the NHS mammogram every three years should be sufficient.  If concern remains high, Dr Tickle can organise a private scan at 18 months through our clinic as an interim investigation.

The risk in terms of breast cancer is therefore relatively neutral but the benefits in terms of bone loss are massive.

The main treatment for oestrogen deficiency symptoms is Hormone Replacement Therapy as it is effective at alleviating these issues.

However, we always take a holistic approach to medicine and many lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on menopausal symptoms.  We have a network of highly effective therapists, exercise coaches and dieticians that we can refer patients to, but any concerns you may be experiencing can be discussed during your consultation with Dr Tickle.